Highland 28th Ward History for 2020

Highland Utah Central Stake (2000091) 
Highland 28th Ward (433861)

This week a decade ends, and a new decade begins.  Even though our computers are getting faster, our medicine is getting better, Christian influence in society is declining and church attendance is dropping.  The Lord needs men and women who are BOLD, who discern the times, have FAITH in God and are not afraid to do great things!

Stay humble, work hard, and be kind.

On December 29, 2019, The Highland 28th Ward is divided into two wards.  The Highland 28th Ward on the East and the new Strasburg Ward on the West.  New Bishops are called:  Jeffrey W Anderson for the Highland 28th Ward and Chris Malouf for the Strasburg Ward

History approved by Bishop Jeff Anderson on February 15, 2021


Table of Contents

Highland 28th Ward – 2020 Calendar

January 2020

  • Ward Conference
  • Organizing the Ward

February 2020

March 2020

  • COVID-19
  • March brings social distancing, homeschooling, limited physical contact with others, reduction of group gatherings.
  • Fast and Testimony Meeting via Zoom, March 29, 2020

April 2020

  • Brother Ivan Day Passed Away

May 2020

  • Baptism of Olivia Jean McDaniel
  • Baptism of Oaklee Durfey

June 2020

  • Baptism of Coralie Cotton-Betteridge
  • Civic Responsibility – Register to Vote
  • Returning to Church Questionnaire

July 2020

  • Baptism of Cora Mae Duncan

August 2020

  • Message from President Kent (Stake President)
  • Baptism of Finn Jeffrey Gardiner

September 2020

  • Baptism of Claire Jones
  • Dedicate or rededicate our homes to the Lord and bless the home to be a refuge from the storm.
  • Safely Returning to Church Questionnaire
  • Streaming our Sunday Meetings

October 2020

  • Baptism of Sophie Laursen
  • “Virtual” Primary Program
  • Tithing Settlement scheduled with a form on the BLOG and conducted through ZOOM.

November 2020

  • Baptism of Davis Adams
  • Sacrament Meeting to be held only virtually through the end of the year.

December 2020

  • Merry Christmas Program – Virtually

Sunday School Report for the year 2020

In addition to the Ward Newsletters, this is our report for the Ward History, 2020

Describe efforts to help members live the gospel of Jesus Christ:

To help members live the gospel of Jesus Christ, we encouraged our teachers to focus on the basic principles of Christ’s teachings. For the most part, the language is plain and easy to understand while studying the Book of Mormon. This helped learners understand and apply the lessons in their lives. We encouraged discussions where the members could share experiences and testimonies with their peers. The instructors also asked the members to focus on a certain principle for the week and report on their experiences the next time they met.

The Sunday School Presidency (mostly Bob Williams, 1st Counselor in the SS Presidency) has put together a monthly newsletter for the Ward. Each month, he highlighted one or two families in the Ward who reported on how they are using Come, Follow Me in their home. These have been a great inspiration for our Ward. The families have provided excellent examples and showing a family picture has helped the members get to know each other. The newsletter has also included quotes and the lesson schedules for the month.

As a leader, describe how you have felt the inspiration of the Lord and felt the hand of God guiding your efforts:

As the Sunday School President of the Ward, I have felt the spirit most when thinking and praying about who should fill the teaching positions in the Ward. As I have reviewed lists of the members, certain names have jumped out at me, then as I have pondered those names, felt the quiet assurance and confirmation regarding my recommendations to the Bishopric.

When we were able to hold Sunday School classes, they were mostly via Zoom Videoconferencing. Our teachers have been nervous to teach in this way but have done an amazing job at getting the members to participate. One strategy that has been successful is for the instructors to reach out to certain members ahead of time and ask them to share with the class their experiences or knowledge on a particular section of the lesson. With time to prepare, these presentations have been outstanding. One of my favorites was when two adult sisters were asked to present opposing positions on a subject in our Gospel Doctrine class. Their comments were so well thought out and presented in such a professional, respectful, and articulate manner, all were edified by the discussion. Perhaps they are secretly attorneys.

Describe additional information you feel is important to include in this report.

Logistics in 2020:

We attended church for the first couple of months of 2020 and held traditional Sunday School classes.

In March, with the onset of the COVD-19 Pandemic, we were asked to not attend church in person. Eventually, we were asked to hold Sunday School virtually, via Zoom Videoconferencing. For a few weeks, we held one Gospel Doctrine class and one youth Sunday School class for 30 minutes each. This proved not enough time for everyone to get connected and have a meaningful discussion. Eventually, we raised the time to 45-minute classes and split the youth into an older and younger group. The teachers have taken turns presenting, which has given them enough time to prepare and avoid burnout. On average, we have over 40 connections in the adult class and around 30 for the youth classes. Everyone seems quite happy with the participation.

We have had two teachers most of the year for Gospel Doctrine. This meant each teacher only had to teach once per month.

Team teaching in our youth Sunday School classes has been a great blessing in our Sunday School. Having a partner helps provide two testimonies and different perspectives with which the members can better relate.

We are incredibly grateful for the Home Centered, Church Supported approach to gospel study presented by our Prophet in recent years. He certainly has been led by divine revelation in preparation for this challenging time in our history.

Highland 28th Ward Sunday School Presidency:

Jared Vanderhoff, President

Robert “Bob” Williams, 1st Counselor

James Duncan, 2nd Counselor

Greg Hunsaker, Secretary

Primary for the year 2020

The Book of Mormon: Come Follow Me

2020 Covid-19 Pandemic:

March 2020 – Church and Primary went virtual. Home church, home singing time, home Primary.

Oaklee Durfey
Olivia McDaniel
Finn Gardiner
Coralie Cotton-Betteridge
Cora Duncan
Claire Jones
Sophie Laursen
Davis Adams

Sunbeams Entering Primary:
Hawkins Call
Riggins Call
Jude Foote
Kit Gardiner
Kimball Jones
Mac Tall

Children Graduating Primary:
Lovely Adams
Jessica Allred
Emilie Cotton-Betteridge
Tydon Jeppson
Jack Price
Beau Shepard
Blakely Shepard
Damian Wilkinson
Cole Wirig

Primary Activities:
Spring: General Conference coloring posters
Summer: Ice cream truck delivery
Fall: Virtual Primary Program- “Book of Mormon Heroes”
Winter: Christmas chocolate kisses countdown

Notable Primary Songs:
“I Will Walk with Jesus”
“Book of Mormon Stories”
“I Will Be What I Believe”

Young Women for the year 2020

Describe efforts to help members live the gospel of Jesus Christ:

We, the Young Women leaders, encourage and support the girls to own and lead their experience. We do this by having them teach the lessons, organize, and plan the activities, and reach out and serve their peers. This helps them to be active participators and not just observers in the church community. Through this active participation, they have the opportunity to connect to their Savior and to each other.

As a leader, describe how you have felt the inspiration of the Lord and felt the hand of God guiding your efforts:

I am always surprised how clearly and consistently inspiration comes. In my experience, I don’t hear a voice, but really just a quiet thought that feels like it has always been there. I am grateful that the Lord is able to use an imperfect vessel, such as myself, to reach out to His children.

Highland 28th Ward Blog


Bishopric Message – January 2020

Over the past three weeks, I have taken the time to read, contemplate, and ponder with the weight of this calling burdening my mind. Ever since President Kent ordained me a Bishop, my mind has been clearer and I have been spiritually comforted.

I was born and raised in Orem, 5th in a family of 7 (4 boys and 3 girls). All seven of us graduated from the old Orem High School and are proud to be Golden Tigers. My father, Carl, a family physician, raised in Pocatello, ID and my mother, Rosalin, raised in the town of Fairview, Utah.

I was taught at a very young age how to work hard at the side of my father. Always having chores to do, weeds to pull, lawns to mow. My first paying job was to demolish the inside of two old homes on 7th North and 7th East in Provo and then build out BYU student apartments. The old homes have now been replaced with new apartment complexes.

I met Heather, my wife, at Mountain Springs “Riverstone” restaurant in Springville back in 1989. I was the manager and she worked as a waitress. We were engaged in the fall of 1989 and married in the Salt Lake Temple in February 1990, almost 30 years ago. We co-founded of Center for Change, a Specialty Psychiatric Hospital in Orem back in the mid-’90s and have worked there as the CFO for the past 25 years until this past September. We have 4 children (Mitchell 28, Alex 26, Olivia 17, and Shawn 14) and 1 granddaughter (Viola) that knows us as “Pops” and “Gigi”. We moved to Highland back in the Summer of 2010 from Lindon and moved into the nationhood back in the fall of 2015 from a home in Northern Highland. Heather and I have enjoyed living here and look forward to many years to come.

We are at a new start in our Ward and Community. Ward boundary adjustments are necessary, but no one likes change. We are grateful for your prayers on behalf of the new 28th Ward Bishopric. I as Bishop hope to get to know everyone better. I look back at the last decade with awe, the technology advancements, and ever-changing social environment, and the increase in the chatter (noise). 2020 truly will usher in a decade of unprecedented change that will require us to act and at times be still.

“Be still, and know that I am God: 
” – Psalm 46:10

This week a decade ends, and a new decade begins. And even though our computers are getting faster, our medicine is getting better, Christian influence in society is declining, and church attendance is dropping. The Lord needs men and women who are BOLD, who discern the times, have FAITH in God and aren’t afraid to do great things!
Stay humble, work hard, and be kind.

Bishop Jeff Anderson

Bishopric Message – February 2020

Over the past few years, I have thought a lot about the social, educational, and spiritual development of my two teenagers. Most children struggle at some level with self-esteem, mild depression, feelings of disconnection, and loneliness. Kids today don’t have the same connection to others that we did when we were young.

Computer games, computers were nonexistent in my youth, not invented yet. Our old tube black-and-white television only had three channels. That didn’t matter because my mother restricted us from the house when the weather was good. We didn’t have time to watch much except when we sat down together as a family.

energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” – BrenĂ© Brown

Today, the youth, seem to want to be by themselves. Do they have the desire to reach out to others? We keep them busy with extra-curricular activities like basketball, swimming, acting, or music; these activities provide some level of engagement but how do we help them develop their desire to build connections? Do they know how vitally important it is to engage in positive personal interaction with others?

Now, the added responsibility of Bishop, I find myself concerned with those beyond my family to the youth and all the members of the ward. The non-stop, distracting noise of today, partly due to continual advancement of personal communications devices (Cell Phones, Tablets, Computer), other interactive systems (Virtual Reality, Tic Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.), and AI technology (Analytics, Machine Learning, etc.) discourages one on one interaction and pulls us away from others. This society of self-expression and “what about Me” mentality is creating an environment that promotes attitudes of selfishness, unkindness, racism, hatred, and bigotry, all characteristics that are contrary to those of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Maybe the opposite of hate isn’t love but maybe it’s connection

Nephi is a great example of how to start with HOPE. He continued to look for the Lord’s hand in his family’s trials. He didn’t complain, he looked forward with HOPE. He took actions of FAITH, not knowing how the path would unfold. He kept his covenants with the Lord and remembered what great things that Lord hath done.

“And he loveth those who will have him to be their God. Behold, he loved our fathers, and he covenanted with them, yea, even Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and he remembered the covenants which he had made; wherefore, he did bring them out of the land of Egypt.” – Nephi 17:40

As a parent, I’m grateful when I can be involved with those that could have an influence on the development of my children. As Bishop, I feel the added responsibility to try and help the youth find meaning in how they act, what they do, and where they go. I hope they find the desire to proactively act and not be passively acted upon. To move forward we need to first Look forward. Push our fears aside and be willing to try.

Speak the Unspeakable (be heard),
Use your Gifts to Be a Gift (be valued),
Don’t Prove Yourself, Be Yourself (be seen).

I pray we can build relationships with our youth so they can have the courage to talk with us, their parents, about anything and everything. Have the courage to address their questions with love and kindness.

“And there was also written upon them new writing which did give us understanding concerning the ways of the Lord; and it was written and changed from time to time, according to the faith and diligence which we gave unto it. And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things.” – 1 Nephi 16:29

The Lord hath done “Great Things”, and with his help we experience miracles.

Love you all,

Bishop Anderson
“Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

Bishopric Message – March 2020

Highland 28th Ward

Experience the Reward of Feeling Good by Doing Good

We have heard the saying; “It takes a village to raise a child.” This is more evident in this time than in generations of the past.  In fact, today’s environment demands this evolution, yet we don’t have as much influence on how or who the village employs.  It is vital that we build our homes as safe havens where our children feel safe, loved, and heard. 

As the church has adjusted its focus on home-taught gospel / church supported learning, I have noticed a decrease of active individual & family learning.  It is the responsibility of us together and individually to build our testimonies.  We have been directed to develop a closer relationship with the spirit so that we can defend ourselves, families, and communities from the destroyer.  I’m concerned that most families are struggling with implementing some form of educational structure.

Today’s youth are afraid to take on a new task or challenge, demanding a physical, monetary, or exciting reward.  When something appears to be difficult, they provide endless excuses stating why it isn’t important to do or that the effort expended isn’t worth the result.  Maybe we can all start by making some small steps in the same direction.

Consider This:

Stop using the word “JUST”

Especially when talking about ourselves or others.

Have you ever thought about how this word reduces, deemphasizes, and degrades when it is used to explain the role, position, or character of a person?

Here are some examples of the negative impact of including this word:  I’m just a housewife.  I’m just an elder.  I’m just a primary teacher.  I don’t need to worry about that.

Now exchange the word for another adjective or remove it from the explanation and exchange the contraction for the formal pronoun (I am instead of I’m):  I am a homemaker,  I am an elder,  I am a primary teacher,  I do not need to worry about that. 


I AM a child God, I WANT to know my Heavenly Father, and I DO have value.

As Bishop, I feel the added responsibility to try and help the youth find meaning in how they act, what they do, and where they go.  There will be many opportunities for me as Bishop to have frank, open, and honest conversations with the youth.  In the spirit of transparency, I’m informing you that these frank and open conversations might be discussed in an open forum or with an Individual, one on one conversation in the confines of the Bishop’s office. 

Hopefully these discussions will lead them to you as parents with follow-up discussion, building levels of trust between you and them.   I pray the youth find the courage to talk with their parents about anything and you have the courage to address any follow-up questions they might have with patience, love and kindness.

Please review “My 2020 Invitation to You” by President Russell M. Nelson which is included as a preporation to General Conference in April.


Bishop Jeff Anderson

Stay humble, work hard, and be kind.

My 2020 Invitation to You: Share the Message of the Restoration of the Savior’s Gospel

By President Russell M. Nelson

When I spoke during last October’s general conference, I designated 2020 as a bicentennial period commemorating 200 years since God the Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in a vision. That singular event in human history initiated the Restoration of the Lord’s gospel—an unfolding Restoration that continues today. How blessed we are to live in the light of that vision. With that vision came new understanding about the nature of God our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

God loves all of His children and has a vision for each of us. Just as He listened to Joseph’s prayer in 1820, He listens to you and yearns to speak with you through the Spirit. Heavenly Father wants you. We want you. This is going to be an important year. We invite you to be a major part in sharing the message of the ongoing Restoration of the Savior’s gospel. We will share more about this soon, but you can start today by acting on the invitations I extended to you at last general conference to immerse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration.

What does that look like? You may wish to begin your preparation by reading afresh Joseph Smith’s account of the First Vision as recorded in the Pearl of Great Price. Or ponder important questions such as “How would my life be different if my knowledge gained from the Book of Mormon were suddenly taken away?” or “How have the events that followed the First Vision made a difference for me and my loved ones?”

Select your own questions. Design your own plan. Act on any of these invitations to prepare yourself for sharing the important messages of the ongoing Restoration. As you seek Jesus Christ in these efforts, God will prepare you to receive further light. It is your personal preparation that will help April’s general conference become for you not only memorable but unforgettable. The time to act is now. This is a hinge point in the history of the Church, and your part is vital.

I testify that Jesus Christ lives. He leads this Church today. God is trusting us, all of us, to play an important role in the Restoration of His gospel.

A Personal Invitation to Participate in Seminary and Institute – President Russell M. Nelson

My Seminary – Link

My dear young friends, how the Lord loves you! And how I love you!

These are exciting days. The Lord is hastening His work right before our eyes. It is thrilling. It is rigorous. More is required from each of us—more than ever before. And more is being given.

My dear youth, I’ve been thrilled with reports of experiences you have had as you have followed through on my five invitations to you. If you did not participate in the devotional or accept my invitations, I urge you to review that broadcast. Care enough about your life and your future to complete those five invitations now.

And you young adults, your ability to be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any previous generation is completely dependent upon the level of your devotion to Jesus Christ. The more you follow Him, the more successful you will be.

Today my message is to you who are of seminary and institute age. On a personal note, I’ll confess that I like to figure out formulas. I like to figure out key elements of a situation and how to combine them to guarantee success. For example, when I was a young heart surgeon, I learned that one could temporarily stop the human heart by changing the ratio of sodium to potassium in the blood nourishing the heart. Then to start the heart again, we simply restored that sodium/potassium ratio to normal. It works every time. It is one of those many divine laws that doctors learn to obey.

Not all formulas are quite as important as that one. I will confess once more. When I play Scrabble with my wife on our iPad, I’ve figured out a formula that will almost always bring a “bingo”! Notice I said “almost always.” With this formula, there is no guarantee. (Most of the time, she is the winner.)

Well, here’s a formula for your life that will work every time. It is this: The closer you come to your Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ by obeying Their commandments and by keeping covenants you have made with Them, the happier you will be. As you live by the standards taught in For the Strength of Youth (which are wonderful guidelines for both youth and young adults), the easier it will be for you to distance yourself from extreme fashions, false philosophies, and relentless temptations of the world. Doing these things will enhance your capacity to be a positive influence among your friends, family members, and others. This formula will work every time. Simply stated, the more you follow the example of Jesus Christ, the more successful you will be.

What, then, will help you become such a devout disciple of Jesus Christ? One answer is seminary and institute—not just attending but actively participating in class and faithfully following through with any assignments given.

A few weeks ago, a young man and a young woman each spoke during sacrament meeting of how they now know that they are responsible for their own gospel learning. Their messages moved all who were listening to want to try harder with our own gospel study, gospel teaching, gospel learning, and gospel living.

Seminary and institute can help you with yours. With the new 2019 home-centered, Church-supported curriculum, each of you is responsible to help teach the gospel in your home to those with whom you live.

Seminary and institute will help you remodel your home to become a sanctuary of faith—a place where the gospel of Jesus Christ is taught, learned, lived, and loved. Wherever you live, that dwelling can become a place where true disciples of Jesus Christ reside. There you can seek refuge from the storms of life and increase your love of the Lord and for each other.

My dear brothers and sisters, the “veil o’er the earth”1 is continuing to burst, and one of the deep desires of my heart is for you to receive all that the Lord is ready to reveal to you. Seminary and institute will help you.

Graduating from seminary and institute will increase your ability to excel in the most important things you will ever do in life. True joy will be yours! I so testify, with my expression of love for each of you, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

1 See “The Spirit of God,” Hymns, no. 2.

February 4, 2019

Bishopric Message – April 2020

Wow, a lot has happened during the month of March, social distancing, homeschooling, limited physical contact with others, reduction of group gatherings.  We have never experienced these kinds of changes in our lifetime.  My sister was reading in our grandmother’s journal and she shared a passage with our family.  This passage was from when she was 18 years old and just graduated from high school and was starting the next chapter in her life:

“The fall of 1918 Mother took me on my first trip to Salt Lake City, where I registered at the University of Utah and stayed with my Aunt Eliza.  The University and all the schools were closed down in a few weeks because of the terrible influenza epidemic, which took the lives of people in droves.  I became ill, so Mother came and took me home.  My sickness was more loneliness than influenza.  Schools were closed for months.  While I was in Salt Lake City, the prophet, Joseph F. Smith, died and no funeral was held.  All public gatherings were closed for the duration of the epidemic.”

It is interesting how history repeats itself.  They didn’t have the technology that we have today which allows us to stay connected to friends and loved ones. 

How technology has changed everything. Today’s youth have electronics attached to their appendages at most hours of the day.  Their minds don’t slow or stop, always wanting stimulus, afraid to feel bord.  They don’t take the time to be still.  Take this time to read, study, ponder, and pray.

As today is Easter, I ask that everyone you spend some time connecting with those that you love.

I have attached a few links to messages that you might enjoy as a family. What wonderful insight some of our leaders and others in the church have to offer at this particular time.



Don’t Miss This – SPECIAL EDITION: Purpose in this Place

Now, the life of our youth is filled with pressures from unknown sources from all over the world.  The technology of today establishes voices from unnamed, faceless critics from unknown locations.  It empowers the individual to speak whatever they feel without seeing how their statements are received or without recognizing the effects of their statement on others because there is not a personal connection to the audience.  Social distancing naturally creates isolation.  Please reach out to others and so this isolation doesn’t get the best of you.

What have you learned from this experience so far?

“God has a purpose in this Place. God is not limited during the quarantine, God is Limitless!” — Emily Freeman “Don’t Miss This: Special Edition: Purpose in this Place

Find your purpose in your place.  Talk about your story.  Believe that God will show you the work that he needs you to do.  Connect and share with others your challenges. 

May the Lord bless you and your families,

Bishop Anderson

FaceTime (Zoom, Discord, or visual platform) with someone you haven’t talked to for a while. Reach out and connect.


I found this on the Alpine School Districts website:

We are excited to celebrate over 5,500 seniors who are graduating this year. Schools will proceed with a celebration event for their graduating students. Each high school will communicate graduation plans to their senior class and their parents within the next couple of weeks. 

Hear Him” in Your Heart and in Your Mind – Elder David A. Bednar

I find the word “Hear” fascinating.

This word is used many times in the scriptures, and I do not believe it refers solely to physiological hearing with natural ears. Rather, it is hearing with the mind and hearing with the heart. How do I hear the voice of Jesus Christ, not necessarily by words or sounds alone, but “Hear Him” in my mind and in my heart? (See Doctrine and Covenants 8: 1-4)

I would like to describe several important lessons that I have learned about appropriately striving to “Hear Him.”

Message to the Youth

During this time of uncertainty, I know you are struggling with understanding what is coming.  Your asking questions like:

  • What is next in my life? 
  • What is this summer going to be like? 
  • What is school going to look like next year? 
  • How long is this pandemic going to last?  
  • Will things ever get back to normal?

As your Bishop, I do not have all the answers, but I am optimistic for the future, your future.  This year will be remembered in history as the time when the world pulled together to help each other.  Here are the questions I have for you:

  • How are you going to let this experience affect you?

Today we dropped off an envelope to each youth in the Ward. Enclosed is a copy of the Personal Development – Youth Guidebook.  I encourage you to open it today, do some self-reflection, and follow the steps.  We have also included a copy of an article from President Oaks titled: “You Can Do This”.  It is a great article that summarizes the February 23 Face to Face Event with President and Sister Oaks.

April New Era, You Can Do This by President Dallen H. Oaks

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you take some time to understand what you can do during time.  I pray that you are getting along with our siblings, parents, and staying connected to your friends while staying safe by social distancing.  We can do this.  You can do this.

I so miss seeing and feeling of your spirits at church on Sundays!


Bishop Anderson

Brother Ivan Day Passed Yesterday Afternoon

Dear members of the 28th ward.  I’m passing along a message from Brother Hendricks from The Strasburg Ward.  I have been asked to share this email with the Ward.

Please respect the privacy of the Day family, and refrain from calls as they enjoy this precious time together.  As a ward, let’s keep Nancy and the Family our prayers.


Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Strasburg Ward:

I was planning to send a message today on the topic of Hope and Joy in the midst of trying times. However, it is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of our beloved ward members, Brother Ivan Day.

We ask that you respect the privacy of the Day family, and refrain from calls as they enjoy precious time together. However, we can provide them our strength and faith on their behalf through our prayers.

I have had the great privilege of being a minister to Ivan and Nancy for the last several years. More recently, both Julie and I have been able to visit with them together. Although we were supposed to minister to the Day family, we were the ones being ministered to. I literally and figuratively sat at Ivan’s feet and was taught by him, as he shared stories of his family, of his faith, of his career, and of growing up here in Highland (and the practical jokes he played on his siblings!).

It is not my intent to provide a eulogy, but I would like all of you to know that Ivan had (and has) a powerful testimony of the restored Gospel, and of the mission and atonement of Jesus Christ.

Almost 2 years ago, Ivan shared with the ward the experiences he went through to gain a testimony. He shared with us how, while serving a mission in Scotland, he sought for confirmation from the Holy Ghost about the truthfulness of the Gospel. After a great effort on his part, clearly an offering that was accepted of the Lord, he shared with us his testimony as follows:

“I was so completely overcome at this moment by the Holy Ghost 
 Great tears of joy came to my eyes as I was compelled to admit: There is a God, you are there; what I’m involved with is true! I had felt as though my soul had literally leaped for joy at the knowledge I had received!”

I don’t have a full understanding of what the Day family is going through at this moment. However, I do have a testimony that they will see Ivan again, and this brings me great joy.

Brothers and Sisters, this is a difficult time for many people, and many of us are going through challenges. Just like many of you, I believe my family has seen its fair share of trials as a result of the coronavirus. As we face these challenges, I have asked myself “Can I experience hope and joy in the middle of a pandemic and its resulting affects, as well as other sorrows and trials we experience?

President (Elder) Russell M Nelson gave us the answer nearly 4 years ago in a talk entitled “Joy and Spiritual Survival.” He said:

“Life is filled with detours and dead ends, trials and challenges of every kind. Each of us has likely had times when distress, anguish, and despair almost consumed us. Yet we are here to have joy? Yes! The answer is a resounding yes! Saints can be happy under every circumstance. We can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad year!”

Dieter F. Uchtdorf adds “Hope in God, His goodness, and His power refreshes us with courage during difficult challenges. Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness.” (The Infinite Power of Hope)

So how do we do that, especially with our lives changing on a daily basis?

President Nelson explains: “When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy. For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!”

Brothers and Sisters, in these challenging times may we do our best to focus on the Savior, to find hope and joy in the journey, even with its bumpy roads and detours. Cherish the time you have with your families. The Plan of Salvation is real. As we move forward with faith, may we take comfort in Elder Uchtdorf’s message: “Because of the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we may hope and be assured that the ending of the book of our lives will exceed our grandest expectations. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

We love each of you, we pray for you daily, and ask the Lord’s blessing upon you.


Brother Hendricks and all of the Bishopric from the Strasburg Ward


In the Jeppson House – 2020

Here at the Jeppson’s house, we are getting used to this new routine just like you are!  I admit we may have a little more screen time these days, but we are also having more learning moments such as baking with the kids, creating art, deep cleaning, improving the house with painting, playing outside more, and skyping with family. However, we are also trying to invite the spirit daily by the small things that make a big difference like hanging scripture verses up around the house to memorize, having daily family prayer, holding FHE, and following our manual of Come Follow Me together. 

I was able to get some small prompt journals at Deseret Book that we have given each of the kids to help with their own scripture study of The Book of Mormon.  The truth is I know I have room for improvement in my spiritual habits, and I recognize that now is a great opportunity for me to improve in these areas while helping my children do the same. I love listening to videos online from our prophet and apostles. There are so many amazing resources on the Church’s website!  It is beautiful to see the impact those videos have on members and nonmembers alike.

I also am cherishing the friendships we have as a neighborhood and ward family that brings comfort and support while we watch out for each other. I love being a part of our ward and neighborhood. 

The Jeppson’s love ya!

Tender Mercy

My tender mercy blessings have been many recently, but I’d like to speak about the special mercy I received during General Conference.

Conference took on a totally different meaning for me. I was seeking comfort for the present and confidence in the future, and I received an outpouring of hope and healing that can’t be explained in words. As President Nelson blessed us all with his apostolic blessing I felt the Lords blessing as real as if I had touched his garment as the woman seeking healing in Mark Chapter 5…34 “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”

I know this blessing is meant for all His children, and I know this blessing has impacted us all, according to the Lord’s will, and is healing us of our own personal “plagues.” 

How blessed we are to have a living Prophet and the mighty healing power of the Priesthood. I don’t know of any greater tender mercies from our loving Lord.

by Jim Wells

Message from the Young Men

As most of you know, the church recently announced there will be no more camps, youth conferences, or treks for the remainder of this year. We will keep you updated on the direction we receive on when to resume YM activities.   

For the past few years, we have set up flags around the neighborhood for the major holidays beginning with Memorial Day. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, our plan will change slightly. We will still distribute the flags on Memorial Day but will leave it up to the individual families to take down and store your own flag as well as put it up for the remainder of the holidays for the year.

No money will be collected this year, but we still feel we should get as many flags up as possible. Any questions can be directed to Jeff Gardiner or Tyson Jones.   

Have a great month!

Jeff Gardiner & Tyson Jones.   

Bishopric Message – May 2020

Highland 28th Ward

I have been struggling with what to write to the ward as part of our May message.  I started several notes but have not felt right about the topic of the message, some of these thoughts might be finished later.  My wife wanted to teach the lesson this week and she suggested that we watch a movie with the kids and proposed watching “The Shack”.  I’m not much of a reader but love movies and this movie were on my list of movies to see. 

What a wonderful story that captures a glimpse of how God sees each of his children, loves all even those that have done wrong.  We sat down, engulfed in this wonderful, heart retching story written by William Paul young.  I looked over at my family, saw relief, tears, pain, and struggle.  I cried, sobbed all the way through.  If you have not read the book or seen the movie, find a time to view it or read it with your family, then talk about your feelings with your loved ones.

I was so moved that I needed to sit down and do some research about the author?  He is not a member of the church but has a strong understanding of the character God.

I hope and pray that we can always recognize all the goodness in god.  I found a talk that the author gave about the filming of the story.   He explains the experience of bringing two friends on to the set who were still in the midst of grief from the loss of a loved one and they saw the filming of the scene that had an eminence impact of the lives of these two individuals.  He acknowledged that this was not a simple circumstance, their experience was orchestrated by God because of His Love for us.

Here are a few quotes from the William Paul Young, that is worth writing down and fit good within the message that I struggling to put into words.  “God is only Good!”  “There is no shadow in the character and nature of God.” 

God is Love, God is Love and is always present in our lives.  Christ is the only one capable to judge us and will only judge us through the eye of love and understanding.  Through the gift of free agency, God allows evil and opposition but is not the creator of evil or contention.  The refining fire of our experiences makes us stronger and allows us to grow.  It also can allow us to have a snapshot of the Love that God has for us through raising a child, feeling of their pains, understanding their agency, and becoming as Christ is, willing to give our own life as an atonement for them.  This is only a snapshot, a glimpse of the Love of God. 

Remember to “Keep your eyes on me
”, even Jesus Christ, Savior and King.

One of my favorite verses in the Book of Mormon, when Lehi is giving his final counsel to his family; wisdom and guidance we can learn from.

2 Nephi 2:24 – 28

24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who aknoweth all things.

25 aAdam bfell that men might be; and men care, that they might have djoy.

26 And the aMessiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may bredeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are credeemed from the fall they have become dfree forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the elaw at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.

27 Wherefore, men are afree according to the bflesh; and call things are dgiven them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to echoose fliberty and eternal glife, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be hmiserable like unto himself.

28 And now, my sons, I would that ye should look to the great aMediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit;

I have told some of you.  I have pondered what it means to be a Judge in Israel.  I have come to understand that the role of the Judge is about “Coming to the Truth.”  Then, once the truth is known, helping the person that has come to me find wholeness through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  It is not about identifying the wrong.  Coming to the truth is different than judgment or condemnation.  In fact, they are not the same at all.  Coming to the truth can only be done by expressions of love, longsuffering, walking in the other’s shoes, understanding and seeing what God sees, and then serving, helping, crying, loving, and identifying God.

Let us be grateful for so much.  Please let me in.  Please let us help.  Here is a poem titled: “The Wrestle” by David Tensen.

I found you, beyond, the ‘why’.

Far from the ‘why not’.

Worlds from the ‘why me’.

You held a space for me

beyond answers to questions

my pain had, as if you knew information

was never going to heal or resolve or fix my suffering.

Instead, you agreed to wrestle

through many nights.

Never letting go.

Always with me just like you promised.

Refusing to surrender I eventually realized

that wrestling with God was not a crime.

That I was, in fact, being held.

Being healed.

Being transformed

by finding you beyond answers.

Being blessed by holding on to you

in my doubt and frustration and never letting go.

And you never let go.

And you overcame me in the end.

And we both won.

I testify of the Love our Father in Heaven has for each of us.  My thoughts and prayers are with you. Our Father in Heaven is aware of you and knows you personally.  Christ is standing, with arms stretched out ready to receive us into his countenance. 

In his holy Name, even Jesus Christ, Amen


Bishop Jeff Anderson

Gratitude for Mothers Everywhere

As a simple expression of our love for you,
We ask a small token that you could do.
Sometime in the morning if you would be so kind.
Look on your front porch a gift you’re sure to find.
A gift for you and you alone.
Share if you must, but we don’t condone
It’s an expression of gratitude, from us to you,
A gift that shares our feelings true.
We gratefully thank you.
Thank you, thank you.

Thank you mother’s, for the long hours you spend doing what you do best, taking care of the needs of others before yourself. Service to family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone that you see in need, always willing to serve. You lead through example.

Know that our Heavenly Father loves all of his spirit children and expressed his love by creating for the world, mothers that display the pure character of God, Love.

I compiled a few links to messages from the church news, the Church’s YouTube Channel, Hope Works, and other sources.

How Church Leaders Have Paid Tribute to Their Mothers, Wives, and All Women – https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/church/news/how-church-leaders-have-paid-tribute-to-their-mothers-wives-and-all-women?lang=eng

“We recognize women everywhere who put in mental, emotional, and spiritual work to strengthen relationships, care for others, and hear God’s voice. You are enough. #HearHim #MothersDay,” a recent post said.

I learned wisdom from my mother as she helps me “Hear Him”. Mothers help us all know the “Moments That Matter Most”.

Church Video Reminds Mothers “You Are Enough” –

The Primary children sing, “Your doing enough!”

Having Courage & Trusting the Lord: Stand Up for What You Believe In

Come unto Jesus by Madilyn Paige

Happy Mother’s Day!

Thank you for directing our path,

Bishop Jeff Anderson

Mother’s Day – 2020 Graduating Seniors

Messages from some of our graduating seniors, expressing gratitude for their mother’s

While living in this ward, I enjoyed Mother’s Day talks that all the graduating seniors would give every Mother’s Day. I always looked forward to the time when it would be my turn to speak on Mother’s Day. I am really thankful that even while church meetings are not currently being held, I still have the opportunity to share this message.

My mom has always been a great influence in my life. She has always been the one that pushes me to stretch myself even when I don’t want to. Being the error-prone person that I am, my mom is always the one to help me up or console me when things don’t go my way. Growing up, my mom has always been the person that has helped me with the school. If you know me at all, you know that I have a bad habit of procrastinating. As far back as I can remember in school, my mom was always the one who stayed up late at night helping me with the project that was due the next day. I would not be the person I am today without my mom. My mom has always been the one that has pushed me to put an emphasis on school, and strive for good grades.

I know that our Heavenly Father created our mothers for a good reason. One thing I love my mom for is that she has made it a point to raise me in the gospel. While thinking about this, my thoughts turned to the familiar story of Helaman’s stripling warriors.

Alma 56:47 says:

“Yea they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.”

The stripling warriors were not taught how to fight by their mothers, but they were taught to trust in god. Their faith resulted in all of them being saved from the Lamanites by the hand of God. I love how my mom always encourages me to pray when I have something big coming up. Every Sunday, my mom has been the one who gets me to go to church and fulfill my priesthood responsibilities. My mom is the one who is responsible for my testimony of Jesus Christ, and his restored gospel on the earth. Even though I don’t know everything, and am not perfect, the testimony my mother has helped me build my own.

President Hinckley once said:

“Well, you dear women, I say thanks to you. Thank you for being the kind of person you are and doing the things you do. May the blessings of heaven rest upon you. May your prayers are answered and your hopes and dreams become realities.”

I know that mothers are essential to the plan of salvation, and I will always love and be thankful for my mother.
I would like to bear my testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ is a real person and that he knows and loves each of us. He was willing to come to earth and suffer for the sorrows and pains of the earth. He was slain on the cross, and after three days he overcame death and was resurrected. I know that today, Jesus Christ leads the church through his servant President Russell M. Nelson. Even in tough times like we are in now, I know that we can make it back to Heavenly Father through the atonement of Jesus Christ, and through the wisdom and love that our mothers have for us. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

by Grant Rencher

My mother is the strongest person I know. She is the most selfless person I’ve ever met and continues to be selfless in times where she has every excuse not to. She also has a very strong testimony of the gospel. No matter how tired or busy she is, she will make time to read her scriptures every day, and insists on doing come follow me as much as possible. And I know no matter how much I mess up and act stupid, she will still love me the same. I strive to be like her in so many ways and I love her more than anything.

by Jordan Hansen

My mother is kind, loving, nonjudgmental, and strong. She has always made sure that I know that I’m important to her. Whenever I need to talk to her about something, she never judges me which I appreciate. She is so selfless, she’s always thinking about others and never herself. If someone needs help she will help them immediately even if it’s out of her way. She’s taught me to be accepting of others, to serve, and to be loving. She has also taught me that even though I am a woman, I can be strong and independent.

I know that mothers are essential to Heavenly Father’s plan. I know that we need mothers for there nurturing and loving nature. I’m so grateful for my mother and the person that she raised me to be. I’m also so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the best mom. I know that families are forever and that we can make it back to Heavenly Father and Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

by Elise Vanderhoff

Happy mothers day to everyone! I have been given the opportunity to write a little message about my mom and the influence she has had on my life. My mom is probably the strongest woman I know, she has done so many things I don’t think I could’ve ever done. For starters, she has raised me and my brothers and that’s got to be next to impossible. Next, she is the current relief society president and is constantly reaching out to the ward members and helping in any way she can. She is just all-around a very nice, caring, and loving person.

I can say with 100% positivity that I’m the luckiest kid on the planet to be able to call her mom. I love her so much and she means the world to me. She has such a big impact on my life in so many different ways. She works so hard for our family and I don’t say thank you enough. I hope to grow up to be the type of loving parent she is. And that I can take care of my family the way she does. I’m very thankful to her.

I would also like to bear my testimony that I know heavenly father’s plan was to have loving parents to care for us including all of our loving mothers.

by Clay Jeppson

Young Womanhood Recognition

Rebekah Peterson

Has faithfully completed all the requirements necessary to receive the young Women Recognition. She honors her commitment to living the commandments and the standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as stated in For the Strength of Youth.

She has strengthened her faith in Jesus Christ and her testimony of His gospel.

She is committed to keeping her baptismal covenants and is preparing to make sacred temple covenants.

Jeffrey W. Anderson

Signature of Bishop or Branch President

Highland 28th Ward
May 10, 2020

Baptism of Olivia Jean McDaniel

Olivia Jean McDaniel was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father Kenton McDaniel on May 2, 2020, at 2:00 pm in the pool at their family home.

McDaniel Family

Congratulations Olivia, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Bishop Anderson

Graduating Senior Parade Friday, May 15th

The Highland 28th Ward and Strasburg Ward neighborhoods assembled a Senior Graduation Parade for the of the High School Graduating Seniors that reside in the neighborhoods from American Fork,  Lone Peak, Skyridge, West Lake High Schools.

Date: Friday, May 15, 2020
Start Time: 6:30 pm

The parade started from the parking lot of the Heritage Park Building and traveled through the neighborhoods on a predefined path.  Many were encouraged to congratulate these graduating seniors on a job well done by stepping to the street and cheered for them as they went by.

This parade was organized and supported by the parents of those graduating seniors of the class of 2020.

Baptism of Oaklee Durfey

Oaklee Jacqueline Durfey was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father Devan Durfey on May 16, 2020, at 1:00 pm in the pool of a relative. Please congratulate her if you get a chance.


Congratulations Oaklee, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Bishop Anderson

Ward Family Home Evening Event

Please join us for a Highland 28th Ward Family Home Evening. Coordinated by the Bishopric and the Sunday School Organization.  Everyone in the ward is invited to participate.

EVENT: Highland 28th Ward Family Home Evening

DATE: May 18, 2020

TIME: 7:30 pm

LOCATION: Zoom Meeting: https://byui.zoom.us/j/93009488469

The Sunday School Organization will place a treat for each family on the porch of every home between 6:15 pm and 7:00 pm.  Monday evening.  This event is an opportunity to join together and learn from one of our own.

Bishop Anderson & Sheldon Nixon are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://byui.zoom.us/j/93009488469

Meeting ID: 930 0948 8469

One tap mobile +13462487799,,93009488469# US (Houston) +16699006833,,93009488469# US (San Jose)


Bishop Jeff Anderson

What Strange Times These Are

Brothers and Sisters,

What strange times these are. Laura and I are reminded of the couple of times, for several weeks, we were both in lock-down on our missions. We were both out during the Gulf War. Laura was in the Philippines when Mt. Pinatubo erupted, and I was on the Caribbean island of Trinidad when a group of Muslims attempted a violent government takeover. This time around, we are very happy to have a TV, to be surrounded by family, have enough bread, and to not have ash and gunfire outside our windows.

Laura and I are also lucky to have all five of our kids close by. We love the time we get to spend together as a family. We’ve been practicing Corn-hole, playing board and card games, watching our favorite movies, have tried to be more diligent in our study of the gospel, and have enjoyed taking the Sacrament as a family. Although anxiety runs high, we know we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and is mindful of our struggles. We appreciate the Gift of the Holy Ghost and the experiences of answered prayers. So far, we have been able to find what we need at the stores and have remained healthy.

I know the Sunday School Teachers miss you. It will be a happy day when we can meet together again at church.

Jared Vanderhoff

Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple – Phase 1


Based on First Presidency direction, this temple will resume limited operations on June 1. At that time, only husband-and-wife living sealings will be performed for members who have already received their endowment. Sealings will be performed by appointment only and limited to couples residing in a designated geographic area. For these sealings, the temple will have minimal staff and the number of guests will be limited. Initially, appointments will only be scheduled through July. To schedule an appointment now, please send an email to the temple using the link below and include the names of the couple, desired sealing date, phone numbers, and the best time to contact you. All government guidelines will be observed, including regulations related to travel, gatherings, sanitization, and safety. All patron housing, cafeteria, and clothing services remain closed. Please check this page regularly for updates.

Seminary Graduation, Seniors Only – Updated

Highland Utah Central Stake Seminary Graduation will be on June 7, 2020. The processional ceremony will be held between 9:00 am and 11:00 am at the Stake Center.  The Highland 28th Ward time is 10:45 am.

Each ward has been assigned a time to have their graduates and families drive through the church parking lot in a processional receive congratulations from the Stake Presidency and the Bishopric.  This is for Senior Graduates only.

Each Ward is being allotted 15 minutes for the drive-thru.  All Seniors are invited to come regardless of being a graduate or recognition in their status.

Seniors should enter the East ingress and line up around the parking lot where the Presidency will issue the certificate with the Bishop in front of the Stake Offices on the West side of the building.

The Stake/Ward Processional schedule is as follows:

  • 9:00 am  – 5th Ward
  • 9:15 am – 6th Ward
  • 9:30 am – 8th Ward
  • 9:45 am – 10th Ward
  • 10:00 am – 12th Ward
  • 10:15 am – 14th Ward
  • 10:30 am – 16th Ward
  • 10:45 am – 28th Ward
  • 11:00 am – Strasburg Ward

I hope to see all the seniors for their Graduation.

Highland Stake/Ward Food Drive

Tabitha’s Way Local Food Pantry, which serves the 10 cities of North Utah County, has been serving our area for four years. Normally, Tabitha’s Way serves about 3500 people a month (about half of whom are children and most of which are not members or are less active members of the Church).
With increasing unemployment and the inability to work due to the COVID-19, the need/demand has increased.

Over the past few years, many of you have donated food and other items to Tabitha’s Way, individually, or as part of the Scouting For Food Drive or the Postal Workers Food Drive. Both of these food drives were canceled this year with the consequence that the pantry did not or will not receive about 140,000 lbs. of food and supplies it normally receives.

In the spirit of “home-centered church-supported” and following health and social distancing directives, we are inviting those who can, to make food donations or financial contributions. We are NOT recommending that any food drive occur, or that any “collections” be done by groups or individuals. This is strictly a food drop-off into bins behind Tabitha’s way by individuals within a single household.

For Food Donations, Tabitha’s Way recommends the following:

  1. Gather your food donation. Currently, Tabitha’s Way needs almost everything that would be donated during a normal food drive with the exception of green beans, tomato soup, mac and cheese, and ramen noodles. Canned fruit is especially needed.
  2. Deliver your donation to the designated donation site at the back of Tabitha’s Way at 920 E State Rd. in American Fork, Utah. Donations can be made via drive-thru and safely placing foods in a large wire basket that is unattended. Please sort your donation into the wire baskets, separating the hard (cans) and the soft (paper, plastic, etc.) and the glass. These baskets will be quarantined for 3 days to minimize virus transmission.

Highland 28th Ward:

  • Tabitha’s Way is a charitable 501(c)3 organization,
  • Location: 920 E State Rd. in American Fork, Utah.
  • Date: Week of June 8 – 12, 2020 – Monday – Friday
  • Time: 8:30 am to 3:00 pm

Thank you ward members for considering a donation,

Bishop Anderson

Resuming Sunday Church Meetings

Brothers and Sisters.

The Stake Presidency and the Bishops met Sunday, May 24th in a Bishop’s Council to review the latest information and guidance from Church leaders, including Elder Heaton our Area Authority, as it pertains to resuming Church meetings.  The following is what has decided.

No meetings will resume prior to June 14th, with the next evaluation by Stake leadership and Bishops set for June 7th. We will provide an update then. Due to the limited number of individuals who can gather (currently 99 or less) and the need to institute proper social distancing, each Ward will more than one Sacrament meeting to accommodate all members. 

Each ward will be assigned a Sunday in the month dedicated to just that ward (weeks 2-4 of every month). Each ward will use that Sunday to conduct the required number of sacrament meetings. The Sundays of weeks 1 and 5 will not be assigned. Social distancing will still limit the ability of the Ward’s to meet all together for some time. Sacrament meeting will be the only meeting of the block held and is encouraged to be abbreviated with only the Chapel being used.  Full sanitization will be required between every meeting. Strict guidelines will be provided and adult volunteers will be asked to help with the sanitization.

More information will be forthcoming after the next evaluation on June 7th. After that meeting, I will announce which week will be assigned to our ward, the times our meetings will be held, and which families should attend which meeting.

Please direct any questions you may have to me.

I miss seeing all your faces at church,

Love you all,

Bishop Jeff Anderson

Message to the Seminary Graduates

To you graduates:

We are so proud of all of you for your efforts in accomplishing this wonderful achievement. The dedication and completion of 4 years of seminary attendance, reading through and the standard works, and being dedicated to your spiritual study while managing the stresses of your primary education.

Now as you stand tall and make decisions that will direct what you do, how you continue to learn, and where you will go, take a moment to ponder and record what you are feeling about this transitional time in your life.

I urge you to continue down your path of discipleship of our Lord Jesus Christ – You as the student and Him as your teacher. Use the gifts and blessing that your Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you. Continue to discover how you should learn or improve. Write down your impressions and ideas by asking yourself questions. How can I develop the talents that God has given me?

Recognized your Spiritual, Social, Physical, and Intellectual gifts and talents. Re-commit to discovering additional talents throughout your life and continual development of these gifts for the good of others.

Continue to document your thoughts, call upon your Father in Heaven, study his words and the words of His Prophets, and keep His Sabbath day holy.

Remember the sweet and tender mercies of the Lord that you might always remember Him.

“Our message to the world is simple and sincere: we invite all of God’s children on both sides of the veil to come unto their Savior, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy, and qualify for eternal life.”

President Russell M. Nelson, April 2018 General Conference

May God bless You and keep You close as you endeavor to follow His will.


Bishop Anderson
“Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

All Will Be Well

Bishop asked us to share a few thoughts on how we’ve been through this experience thus far. What a crazy and surreal ride! I wish I could say that all has been well, but I would be lying. For those of you who have struggled, I can say I understand! I have had a roller coaster of emotions and even my fair share of depression, anxiety, and fear. But through it all I still know we have a loving Heavenly Father who is acutely aware of us and our emotions, needs, wants, etc.

Continue to do the small, daily things that keep us tethered to Him. Continue to try, and then try again. I am so grateful for the small mercies He continues to send my way. The few moments when my boys actually get along (I wish this would happen more). When one of them actually does what I’ve asked without argument or asking ‘why’. When schoolwork got done before the afternoon. When priesthood blessings were given for ANY reason, even just to calm my emotions, remind me I’m not alone, and that I’m strong.

I pray that we will continue to hope and believe that all will be well soon. Those miracles will continue to happen. That we will be able to find peace in the knowledge we have of the bigger, more eternal picture, and that though this life is filled with difficult and chaotic things, the work will go on, God is over all, and all will be well in the end. I love you and miss you and cannot wait for the day we can gather together again. Especially with all your little ones! Let them know of my love for them and their Heavenly Father and Savior’s love for them!

Annika McClure

Bishopric Message – June 2020

I have so many things to be grateful for during this time of social distancing.  The time to spend with family and build a stronger relationship with our Father in Heaven.  I love the area we live in and express gratitude for God’s beautiful creations.  I have had some interviews with some hospitals out of state as part of my job search.  During the interviews they ask, “Why do you want to move here?”  I always stumble on these questions because I need to be honest; I don’t want to move there and it always shows.  The recruiters will call me latter and say they don’t want to go further down the interview process because they didn’t feel like I was excited to move there and they are right, I don’t.  I have faith that the Lord will open the door of employment for us as I continue to develop a new company.

Gratitude is of the very essence of Worship. 
When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance, conceit, and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives.  Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God’s love.

President Gordon B. Hinckley

I’m thankful for family, growing kids, encouraging siblings, and loving wife as they are very supportive through our challenges.  It amazes me how far money can go when you don’t have much to spend.

I’m thankful for your prayers, they are felt and it is remarkable the difference they make in my life.

I’m grateful for the “Come Follow Me” program because through its structure, I have learned new studying skills, understand more about the timeline of the Book of Mormon, and am developing some very improved study habits with my wife.  We look forward to sitting down together to study the next lesson and discuss our individual incites.

Moments That Matter Most

We are all on the same journey.  As we open ourselves to others, allow them to see our human flaws, and ask them for help when we feel overwhelmed or over our head, we are displaying humility to our Savior.  This humility allows the spirit to enter into our hearts as we recognize that we need our Saviors help.  The Atonement of Christ relieves us from more than sin.  The Atonement of Christ allows us to place our burdens on him and when we do, we find and experience joy in our lives regardless of the challenges that we face in the moment. 

“Happiness / Joy is not a destination or an event, it comes from your attitude about the journey.”

Dr. Laura

This past month has been hard, between keeping our kids motivated and helping them work to push to the end of the school year, planning to have my knee replaced this month, passing a kidney stone, developing a virus (not covid-19), and pulling a crown off my tooth while eating a cinnamon bear.  I’m placing these burdens on my Savior.  I’m finding joy in the experiences of life and keep my eyes looking forward as I exercise faith in him.

Challenge:  Take some downtime to ponder and open up to your Savior.  Remember when you have felt his spirit, write your experiences down, and share them with those that you love.  Be open and honest about your current story and reach out in times of need to those that you trust.

Did you think to pray?

The Savior said to some that were healed, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”  The one returning leper’s expression of gratitude was recognized by the Savior as an expression of his faith.  We would love to hear your experiences or impression you have received when you take the time to feel the spirit and communicate with your Father in Heaven. 

Our Prayers are with you, we miss seeing you, and we Love you.

Love you all,

Bishop Anderson

“Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

Ward Blog: www.highland28th.org

Civic Responsibility – Register to Vote

I’m so grateful for this wonderful country and the freedoms that are ours because of the inspired documents the define our liberty and constrain the Republic. Utah is the perfect state to raise a family and I enjoy the beauty that surrounds us – the canvas in which God used to paint a masterpiece.

I feel a great responsibility to be involved at some level in our civic responsibilities and duty to search out the best candidate to represent us a all levels of governmental leadership.

Exercise your liberty by casting your vote. Register to Vote or get more information at Vote.Utah.gov.

“Empower your voice by voting, then raise your voice when it needs to be raised.”

The Republican Primary Election ends June 30, 2020

Below is a list of primary election contests in your area. Click on a contest to view candidates and read their profiles. Due to primary election rules, your ballot may not include all contests listed below. Please click this link for more information on these rules.

Republican for Governor: (In the order listed on the Vote.Utah.gov website) I have created a link to what I could find as the link to there website for the election.

  • THOMAS E. WRIGHT (Governor) Republican
    • ROB BISHOP (Lieutenant Governor) Republican (Lt. Gov for Wright)
  • SPENCER J. COX (Governor) Republican
    • DEIDRE M. HENDERSON (Lieutenant Governor) Republican (Lt. Gov for Cox)
  • JON HUNTSMAN JR. (Governor) Republican
    • MICHELLE KAUFUSI (Lieutenant Governor) Republican (Lt. Gov for Huntsman)
  • GREG HUGHES (Governor) Republican
    • VICTOR IVERSON (Lieutenant Governor) Republican (Lt. Gov for Hughes)

Republican for Attorney General

Republican for County Commission Seat C

Republican for County Recorder

Can’t find the information you’re looking for? Here are some helpful links:

You can change your party affiliation by submitting a new voter registration form. The voter registration form must be received by your county clerk’s office by 5:00 pm on Friday, June 19, 2020.

Is voting by mail secure?

Your county clerk uses various security and privacy measures to ensure that your mail ballot is secret and counted accurately. Watch this short video that explains the vote by mail process and these security measures:

Thanks for taking the time to do the research and vote.

Bishop Anderson

Returning to Church

The Stake Presidency and the Bishops met Sunday, June 7th in a Bishop’s Council to discuss when the Highland Utah Central Stake wards would resume Sunday church meetings.  

All the wards in the stake will NOT be starting ward meetings in the month of June and would prefer to wait until the church move to PHASE 2. 

The Stake Bishop’s Council will be meeting every two to three weeks to discuss the current situation and the possibility of starting sooner.  We don’t have any idea of when the church will go to PHASE 2; it could be next month or six months away.    

We recognize your desires to come back to church to meet together and uplift each other but our concern is the safety and health of the church members.  We miss all of you and want to greet you with our arms around you, but it isn’t time yet.  

To help us determine how many might come back to church when we start, I have attached a link to a questionnaire about your feelings regarding returning to church.  Please take a moment to respond.

Returning to Church Questionnaire

You can always go to the blog to respond.

Please continue to reach out to those close to you, extend your reach to others through electronic tools, learn something new, do something new, and take time to connect with your Father in Heaven.

With our Love,

28th Ward Bishopric

Father’s Day

June 21, 2020

I hope that everything is going well with the ward members. I miss you greatly.

On this Father’s Day, I have been thinking about my father a lot this past week. What a wonderful father and example he has been to me and my family. I miss him,

Let me share a song that was written by my sister, Janet Tolley titled: “I Am Thankful God Made Fathers”. She submitted this song to the church for consideration for publication. The lyrics truly express my feelings about my father and his role in our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness.

Here is the few lines of the chorus:

I am thankful God made Fathers
for their lives and for their love.
By divine design they buide us
to our home in heav'n above.

I have been pondering about my role as a father on Father’s Day. During this time of upheaval in the world I wrote an article that I published on Medium.com, “View of Racism by a White Father of Two Black Children”.

Here is a small part of the article:

  • When My son was in the 1st grade, we were contacted by a neighbor whose daughter was in the same class. During this particular day, my wife was at the school presenting a spotlight on our son and talked about him being adopted. They related this simple communication they had with their daughter at the dinner table that evening.
  • She sat down, visually upset about something. “I just found out that Shawn”, my son, “was adopted.” She and Shawn were friends, they had played together outside of school and were also friends at church. Here is a young little white girl, confused about adoption but now understood that Shawn was not our biological son. She didn’t see color, she saw a friend, a boy her age who she enjoyed. She did not connect the idea that he was different in any way. Father in Heaven loves all of his creations equally. These two children of mine are mine. I’m blessed, given the chance to be their earthly father. I love them as much as I do our other children.


In the church, there has been some discussion lately about marks upon peoples in the scriptures. This has been a topic in our home as we have been addressing racism and other questions related to diversity. I was reading 2 Nephi 30:5-18.

And then shall they rejoice; for they shall aknow that it is a blessing unto them from the hand of God; and their bscales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes; and many generations shall not pass away among them, save they shall be a pure and a cdelightsome people.

2 Nephi 30:6

This verse refers to the mark as being as “scales of darkness…” in “their eyes”. What a wonderful way to view this variance of those identified as not following the commandments and not accepting Christ. This is the only variance we should allow in our hearts. Yet still, need to be accepting of all as Christ was accepting of all. These verses continue to explain the environment which will be naturally created at Christ’s return.

God talked with Moses about his creations and that he continues to create. He knows us because he created us.

And, behold, thou art my son; wherefore alook, and I will show thee the bworkmanship of mine chands; but not all, for my dworks are without eend, and also my fwords, for they never cease.

Moses 1:4

Remember his statement in Moses 1:39,

39 For behold, this is my awork and my bglory—to bring to pass the cimmortality and deternal elife of man.

Moses 1:39

Let me testify of the goodness of God. He loves all of his children and simply wants us to return to him at the completion of our human existence. Christ is there with arms open waiting to receive us if we but “turn” to him.

I love you all,

Bishop Anderson

Hear Him – Elder Gary E. Stevenson, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Difficult Times

Bishop Anderson asked us a month or 2 ago to share with the ward how we are doing during this difficult time.  I have not wanted to respond because it has been difficult.  I have had a hard time seeing through the anxiety, disruption, maybe even a little despair that I have seen in the world.  Life has struggles, but it has seemed like the struggles have escalated.  

As a family, we have had some concern for job security due to layoffs at the company I provide care for.  They had about 1000 employees and now are less than 400.  I have wondered if we would relocate to have to find employment.  This has been a little stressful.  

I know we are being blessed.  We live in amazing times. We have seen the power of Living Prophets. I know the Lord wanted Abi to serve a mission.  I did not realize that full-time service would be so short.  It is amazing to watch her move forward in her life as she studies and works.  She can’t wait to move out.

I have always loved the outdoors.  I feel even deeper gratitude for the cool mornings and rainfall and quiet evenings.  I have felt re-energized and refreshed as I have spent time at nearby waterfalls and mountain meadows.  

I have a deeper sense of gratitude for family and friendship and health.  I know God has a plan for each of us.   He loves us and will provide all that is necessary as we strive to do his will.

Ward Business

Dear Ward Members:

I have a few items of ward business to take care of this week so I’m sending everyone a short note. 

  • I sent out a Questionnaire a few weeks ago asking each family to report how they are feeling about returning to church considering their own family’s circumstances.  If you haven’t filled out the survey, please take a few minutes to complete it.  This information will be useful for my meeting with the Stake Presidency and the other Bishops on Sunday as we continue our discussion on the availability to return to church. 

The survey can be found on our Ward Blog:  28th Ward Questionnaire

  • Ward Walk-About: Sunday, June 28th at 7:30 pm.  We miss seeing and talking with everyone in our neighborhood.  We have planned this simple event for anyone that would like to be involved.  It is very simple.  Starting at 7:30 we invite all the members of the ward to come out of their homes and walk about the ward.  Those that are at a higher risk of Covid-19 and don’t feel comfortable mingling in this way can remain on their front porch and enjoy those that come walking about. We ask that social distancing be established by keeping your family at least 6 feet away from other families participating.  I know we will have the urge to greet in a physical way but we ask that you respect others and do your best to refrain.  
  • Utah State Developmental Center Assignment – Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the method of filling the assignment has been modified, and now entails 2 or 3 families from each ward participating in a drive-by parade on Wednesday, July 1.  If you are interested in being involved with this please contact Kiirsten Jeppson.  The autos may be decorated in accordance with our Independence Day patriotic theme. Including balloons, banners, etc.  Families would gather in their vehicles at the church parking lot and the DCW parking lot across from the church at 6:00 pm on July 1st. They will then be organized for the drive through the facility which is to begin at 6:30. It will not take a long time to drive once or twice through the campus. We would certainly expect that the participants would be done with the activity before 7:30 pm.
  • Seminary Registration for the fall of 2020.  We sent out individual emails to the parents that have children not registered for Seminary.  Please, at your convenience logon to the church seminary site to register your child. https://myseminary.churchofjesuschrist.org/  If your child is not going to attend Seminary in the fall please let a member of the bishopric know so we can note it in the system.

Thank you for all your prayers and support during this difficult time.  We miss you.

  • Love you all,
  • Bishop Anderson
  • Highland 28th Ward
  • 801-372-2072
  • [email protected]
  • “Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

Baptism of Coralie Cotton-Betteridge

Coralie Cotton-Betteridge was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father, Sam Cotton-Betteridge on Saturday, June 27, 2020, at 3:00 pm in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate her if you get a chance.

Cotton-Betteridge Family, June 27, 2020

Congratulations Carolie, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Bishop Anderson

Bishopric Message – July 2020

Attached is a wonderful message from our Sunday School Presidency.  Please take a moment to read it and share it with your family. 

The Stake Bishop’s Council continues to review the Covid-19 statistics along with reports from the Area Presidency.  The stake will still hold off returning to church.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I have been very impressed with the way the members in our ward have managed the confusion and added stress introduced into our lives due to the Covid-19 virus. It appears from external observation, most are doing OK but how is everyone really doing? Physical health challenges are being addressed, but how is your mental health? Most are still working, but has your feelings of job security changed? What else in our lives has this pandemic affected?

I ask because I’m concerned about each of you, your family, your kids, and your spiritual well-being.

I was listening to a Ted Talk the other day titled: “Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix!” by Tasha Eurich. This talk sparked some thoughts which I want to share.

Increasing our self-awareness can help each of us identify things in our lives where improvements might be considered. Recognizing our strengths and shortcomings can positively impact us as we strive to better ourselves and improve our relationships with others. Please be careful to not get stuck over-analyzing yourself.

The classic introspection question is Why? Asking yourself why something is happening? or why something is happening to you? These questions are not necessarily wrong, but how helpful is it if you don’t move on to the next question? To the “what” question?

This pandemic has changed our definition of normal. I admit that my health has been effected. I question why is this happening? I find myself stuck from time to time.

This week Heather and I realized that last year on the 4th of July is the day we told our kids that I was being forced out of my job. I spent the next two months working hard to prepare the company for my departure. This was a blessing. The company I built doesn’t define who I am. In fact, when we completed each building, we dedicated the building to the Lord’s purpose. My partner’s father dedicated the first building and my father dedicated the second. My work within the confines of that company is done. I knew it then and know it now.

Who would imagine that a year later I would still be looking for a way to provide for my family. I know we will be ok but it is hard especially on those days when I’m stuck, the days where I find myself asking why? I question why with the pain of shingles. I ask why when surgery is delayed. I ask why when the convergence of time, events, and the cliff lingers closer and closer.

But, when I turn and ask him what should I do?

6 Be strong and of a good acourage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the bLord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not cfail thee, nor dforsake thee.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Christ has atoned for all our shortcomings, fears, and transgressions. Our Savior, Jesus Christ experienced all so to lift and elevate all. His arms remain always open reaching to each of us. He knows us and is intimately involved in our lives. Look for Him, recognize his influence, and express gratitude for your blessings.

My family and I are blessed to live in this great country even with the turmoil that exists. We hear about all the evil in the world. We see it on the corner, creeping closer and closer.

But, look for what is not seen by all, not shown by the media. Look for the goodness that is so evident if you look. See what happens in the days that follow. See the goodness in the world come alive in support of truth and right. Watch the day after when thousand show to cleanup, support, and repair. There is expanding evil in the world but there is ever-expanding good to counterbalance than in his time prevail. “…fear not, nor be afraid…). Seek him, “Hear Him.”


I testify that as we serve others, the spirit proceeds our efforts. He sends his spirit to teach, edify, comfort, and bless lives.

We love you all,

Ward Walk-A-Bout – Rescheduled – July 19

Ward Walk-A-Bout: Sunday, July 19th at 7:30 pm.  We miss seeing and talking with everyone in our neighborhood.  We have planned this simple event for anyone that would like to be involved.  It is very simple.  Starting at 7:30 we invite all the members of the ward to come out of their homes and walk about the ward. 

Those that are at a higher risk of Covid-19 and don’t feel comfortable mingling in this way can remain on their front porch and enjoy those that come walking about. We ask that social distancing be established by keeping your family at least 6 feet away from other families participating.  I know we will have the urge to greet in a physical way but we ask that you respect others and do your best to refrain.  

Baptism of Cora Mae Duncan

Cara Mae Duncan was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father, James Duncan on Saturday, July 18, 2020, at 10:00 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate her if you get a chance.

Cora Duncan’s Baptism

Congratulations Cora, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Bishop Anderson

Our Full-Time Missionaries

Dear ward members,

Here’s an update on the full-time missionaries, Elder Padgett from Florida, Elder Anderson from Colorado and Elder Cheek from Indiana.

Our mission president, President Treadway is recommending that they give and receive service in the following ways:

  • Zoom meeting with members
  • In-person meetings outdoors (front porch, for example) with proper social distancing
  • Though they are not meeting in homes for dinner, they can receive meals at their place


If you have not met with the missionaries in the past few weeks, please call them at (385) 269-1628 to schedule a time. My family did this two nights ago and it was about a 10-minute uplifting conversation and I highly recommend it.

  • If you would like to meet with them in person outdoors with social distancing, please call them.
  • If you would like to take them meals, please call them. 

They want to schedule these opportunities directly with you, and not through me, the ward mission leader.

We have received an influx of missionaries into our mission because of COVID-19, so please take this opportunity to help them be able to serve and serve them.

Thank you!

Kendall Thurman

Bishopric Message – August 2020

Dear Ward Members:

I love this patriotic time of the year.  What a wonderful blessing to live in the United States of America and in the great state of Utah.  My father taught our family gratitude for our freedoms with a strong feeling of patriotism.  I have fond youth memories sitting on the floor listening to my father and his six brothers discuss the gospel, politics, faith, and adventure.  I remember a picture of the seven of them with the four oldest in the back row including my father, all dressed in their military uniforms – 2 in the Army, 1 in the Navy, and my father in the Air Force.  

Now when my 3 brothers and I get together we enjoy having those same types of discussions.  We all have our own opinions, feelings, and passions – a doctor, a military man, a businessman, and an educator.   We are blessed to have the freedom that allows us to speak up and allow our voices to be heard.  Even with differing opinions, we display respect and express love for each other as we listen, understand, and acknowledge other’s points of view. 

In contrast, look at the chaos throughout our country.  The plague of violence, rioting, and hatred seen in the news.  The confusion of the mixed messages, hypocritical voices, and contradicting points of view.  The disrespect for others.  The contention driven by anxiety and fear.  During this time of uncertainty, people seem to take offense to small and insignificant things and place unfair, hurtful labels on individuals and groups.  The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides all the “freedom of speech”.   We are protected by it when we want to voice our opinion, yet some are silenced because their message is contradicting the narrative.  The loudest voice seams to be noticed and its messages passed along with no regard to honesty or truth.  Messages crafted to stir animosity and sensationalism, deceiving their audience by never telling the whole story.

Being somewhat concerned about this I was searching the Gospel library for a message and found this talk: “That Ye Not Be Offended” by Perry M. Christensen.  He identified five rules or guidelines we could follow to not be offended and he includes wonderful scriptural examples.

Build a Firm Foundation

“We must be firm in our commitment and testimony of the gospel, in our sense of self-worth, in the knowledge of who we are, and in our sense of our divine potential.”

Perry M. Christensen

Understand the Intent

“When you feel you have been improperly judged, falsely accused, or offended in some way, pause to reflect upon the person’s intentions. Frequently, you’ll discover that the intent behind the criticism was constructive and was offered in an effort to help.”

Perry M. Christensen

Be Swift to Hear, Slow to Wrath

“When we let our emotions dictate a hasty response, we relinquish control of ourselves and of the situation.”

Perry M. Christensen

Don’t Seek Revenge

“When we are offended, feelings of hate, dreams of vengeance, or misguided feelings of righteous indignation poison our minds and spirits. In the end, we are the ones most hurt. On the other hand, continued Bishop Peterson, “forgiveness of others for wrongs—imaginary or real—often does more for the forgiver than for the forgiven.”

Elder H. Burke Peterson

Seek Reconciliation

“Jesus wanted to fortify the disciples’ testimonies and build a firm foundation that would withstand all offenses. ‘These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended,’ he said.”

John 16:1

I pray during this time of continued social distancing and Home centered / Church supported worship we can find ways to better ourselves, build a stronger individual relationship with our Savior, and learn how to truly minister to our families and friends.  What a blessing it is to be living in this beautiful neighborhood sanctuary, protected from some of the toils of the world.  

I’m so thankful to have such a wonderful and supportive family.  I express my gratitude to my beautiful wife, Heather who has and is standing by my side through our trials.  I’m grateful for my Savior and the comfort he sends to us which allow us to learn and feel of his love.  Through all of this, I have a stronger testimony of Christ and the power His atonement in my life. 

We love you all,

Message from the Sunday School Presidency: Attached

Message from the Missionary Committee: President Treadway, President of the Utah Orem Mission is recommending that the full-time missionaries give and receive service in the following ways:

  • Zoom meeting with members
  • In-person meetings outdoors (front porch, for example) with proper social distancing
  • Though they are not meeting in homes for dinner, they can receive meals at their place


If you have not met with the missionaries in the past few weeks, please call them at (385) 269-1628 to schedule a time. – Kendall Thurman

Message from President Kent

Dear Highland 28th Ward Members,

President Kent has recorded a personal message to you and your family. He prays for all of us and wants to pass along a message of hope and moving forward with all the members of the Highland Utah Central Stake. Please take a moment, sit down with your family, and listen to his message.

“IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL” – President Kent, Highland Utah Central Stake – August 2020

The Lord is in charge of his Church. Place your trust in him.

Bishop Anderson

“Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

Baptism of Finn Jeffrey Gardiner

Finn Jeffrey Gardiner was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father, Jeff Gardiner on Saturday, August 15, 2020, at 9:00 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate him if you get a chance.

Fynn’s Baptism Day

Congratulations Finn, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Bishop Anderson

Back to School Movie for the Youth

Come join us under the stars at our Young Back to School Movie. All those 11, turning 12 and up are invited.

Please wear a mask and bring your own chair, blanket, sleeping bag, or something that will make you comfortable to watch the movie. Once you have set up your seat, gathered your refreshment, and have settled in to watch the movie you may take your mask off.

  • Location: Bishop’s Back Yard
  • Date: Friday, August 21, 2020
  • Time: 8:00 pm
  • Movie: “The Princess Bride”
  • Refreshments: Popcorn and Soda will be provided

The Princess Bride is a 1987 American fantasy adventure comedy film directed and co-produced by Rob Reiner, starring Cary ElwesRobin WrightMandy PatinkinChris SarandonWallace ShawnAndrĂ© the Giant, and Christopher Guest. Adapted by William Goldman from his 1973 novel The Princess Bride, it tells the story of a farmhand named Westley, accompanied by companions befriended along the way, who must rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck. The film essentially preserves the novel’s narrative style by presenting the story as a book being read by a grandfather (Peter Falk) to his sick grandson (Fred Savage).

The movie will start around 8:15 as the sunsets. Social distancing will be maintained.

Revelation – Spencer Scoville

I have a testimony of the power of revelation.  I have received revelation in my life.  It is usually when I am in need of direction or after wrestling with a problem.  A year and a half ago as I was preparing for the New Year I had an impression to increase my temple attendance.  I did and it had a powerful impact for good in my life. I also know the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  

After one particularly hard day last February, I went for a 4-hour ski-tour and listened to the Book of Mormon.  Being in the incredible beauty of American Fork Canyon and listening to the power of the Word softened my heart helped me work through some challenges.  I love the peace reading the Book of Mormon brings us. 

I believe the statement that the power of God is manifest in the ordinances of the gospel.  As we prepare for ordinances and live according to the covenants we have made our lives are transformed into something beautiful and holy. 

I know the Lord helps us especially in challenging times.  

– Spencer Scoville

Tender Mercies – Kiirsten Jeppson

I have been thinking this week about any of my personal spiritual experiences I could share as requested.  Recently my family spent 5 days camping near Fairview in a spot that Brian’s family has been camping at for 4 generations.  One afternoon, I took a hike by myself up the mountain.  I wanted to pray as I walked and process some feelings.  For many years I have had a habit of looking for things in nature or just in my environment that is naturally in a heart shape.  Whenever I find something unexpected in the shape of a heart, I have kind of come to think of it as a sweet reminder of the love that I am a child of God and He IS aware of me. 

I talked to my Heavenly Father as I hiked for about 90 minutes and looked at rocks, thousands of marked birch trees, clouds, and everything else around me, but nothing stood out to me as an actual heart shape.  I was disappointed. I wanted to feel that connection and comfort that I have felt other times in this quirky but spiritual habit of mine. My heart was heavy for a few reasons and despite my good intentions, I felt sad to not find even a little heart. 

The next day we headed home and as we pulled onto the highway from the rural roads, my son piped up from the back seat, “Mom! Look at that!”  I looked up and saw a huge heart on the side of the mountain made out of dozens of rocks.  It was surely a tribute to someone who had passed away near that spot, but it struck my heart like an arrow.

THERE was my tender mercy reminding me that my Father in Heaven knows me and loves me.  He could’ve brought to my attention a small heart along my hike as I was hoping, but His idea was bigger and better a day later. 

Not everything will happen on our time table.  Sometimes we might feel like Heaven is silent, but it doesn’t make our prayers any less important or heard.  Prayers help us process big feelings.  Prayers help us strengthen our resolve.  Prayers help us forget ourselves.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Kiirsten Jeppson

Bishopric Message – September 2020 / Message of Personal Challenges

This year has been a difficult one.  Our family has had our share of trials and challenges.  I have been applying for jobs, trying to understand my calling as Bishop, checking on my health, and trying to find meaning in this upside-down world.  I feel directed in my efforts and have shown patience waiting for the door to open, yet I know I’m being prepared for something.

Some in the ward have asked me how I’m doing at which I respond, I’m doing fine.  Later, when they hear of my challenges they ask me to be more transparent and open.  Heather, through her Sunday school lessons of the past, has asked us to share our stories when they have come to a completion.  Tell them with the perspective from the other side of the experience.  Looking back we can see how the Lord carried us through each challenge.

In mid-June, I had the knee replacement surgery scheduled but the procedure was postponed due to my contracting Shingles.  I did not know the amount of pain that is associated with Shingles and have much more empathy for those that struggle with them.  I scheduled an appointment with a new dermatology office because my prior dermatology provider didn’t take Utah Medicaid.  The Nurse Practitioner proscribed some medication to limit the nerve pain and damage caused by the lasting effects of Shingles.  She shaved off a mole I was concerned about and sent it to the lab to be biopsied. 

One morning shortly after my appointment, I was sitting planning my day when I had a clear impression to not be afraid of the word, “Melanoma”.  I was puzzled by the impression.  I wasn’t requested to act or do something.  It was simply a feeling of comfort and love along with a feeling to be not afraid. 

Melanoma is a scary word within the Anderson family.  My sister’s husband passed away from Melanoma three days after I returned from my mission.  Our family watched as the Melanoma tumors attacked his body in the weeks before his death.  My sister and mother explained later that it was my missionary letters that kept him going during his struggle with this cancer and that he was holding on for my return.

When the pathology results came back as abnormal the office scheduled an appointment with a Dermatologist to remove the mole more completely.  During this appointment, I asked the doctor to conducted a full scan to look for any other moles of concern.  He asked me if he could shave off three more moles and freeze some spots on my face. 

I received the results of the biopsied moles on a Tuesday morning, July 21st, while I was in the hospital recovering from my rescheduled knee replacement surgery from the prior morning, July 20th.  More abnormal cells.  In total, three moles were classified as Basal Cell Carcinoma and one mole as Melanoma.  This particular mole had been evaluated and cleared by a different Dermatologist two years earlier.  I felt the comforter provide me support and love and I received this difficult news and I remembered the impression from earlier, to not be afraid of the word, “Melanoma”.  I was at peace and didn’t challenge that impression.  I was not afraid.

This past week they have taken more tissue around the melanoma site.  Because they identified the melanoma early, my prognosis is good and the doctors are confident that they were able to remove all of the cancer cells; pathology will confirm.  My knee surgery went smooth and I’m working on strengthening my leg muscles and increasing my flexibility.  My face is healing from the topical cream application to remove any precancerous cells.  The Shingles cleared up, the crowns in my mouth have been repaired or replaced, and I can now sleep in my bed instead of a recliner.

I found that as I humbled myself before the Lord and asked others for help, the door of employment is opening.  I’m excited about the future and grateful for the outpouring of blessings from my Savior. 

I relay my experiences to you and express my gratitude to the Lord for the gifts of the spirit, the tender mercies of the Lord, and testify that my Savior knows me and my family. 

It sounds a little crazy to say, “I’m grateful for Shingles” but it was Shingles that lead me to treatment and the early diagnosis of cancer.

I have continued to feel his grace and love while awaiting the removal procedure.  I can identify many instances where I have felt of his love for me and my family, impressed by the expansion of love I have felt for each of you during these past few months, and have felt of your prayers and sustaining confidence during these difficult times.

I testify that the Lord knows each and every one of you.  He loves you and desires for you to turn to him.  Place your burdens on him and find peace during this time of world unrest.  He will never turn from you and holds his arms open to receive.  He will never close his arms to you except to hold you close within his embrace.  I testify to you of these truths in his name, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Baptism of Claire Jones

Claire Jones was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father, Tyson Jones on Saturday, September 5, 2020, at 10:00 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate her if you get a chance.

Claire’s Baptism Day

Congratulations Claire, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Bishop Anderson

28th Ward Update

I hope this email finds you well.  I wanted to write a short note to keep everyone up to date.

Church Attendance:

The Stake Bishop’s Council is meeting again on September 13 to discuss the possibility of returning to church. 

Temple Recommend Process:

We are scheduling Interviews on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings.  If these times don’t work for you, we can accommodate a different time for you. 

To schedule an appointment with the Bishop or a member of the Bishopric call Jim Wells, Ward Executive Secretary, Phone: 801-787-1991 or email: [email protected]

Please attend your interview with the Bishopric and the Stake Presidency as if you were attending the interview in person.  Please set aside at least 15 minutes and dress appropriately. 

We will conduct the interview through Zoom or in person if needed.  Once the interview with the ward is completed, your recommend will be forwarded to the Stake with the best phone number to contact you.  The Stake Clerk will call you to schedule your interview. 

You will then be able to pick-up your recommend from the stake offices on a Tuesday evening or from the bishop at a later date. 

We desire to meet with adults and youth to renew all expired recommends and are grateful for your patience as we navigate these adjusted processes.  Please don’t wait to renew your recommend until you need it.  Set a goal to keep your recommend active throughout your life. 

Temple Workers Needed:

The Mount Timpanogos Temple needs 300-400 more worker as all workers who were 65+ or with risk conditions were released.  When temples move to phase 3 for proxy ordinances they are looking for workers in the 20-55-year-old range to fill these spots.  If you are interested in working in the temple and can commit a 4 to 6 hour shift a week, please contact Jim Wells to set up an interview with the bishop.  Phone: 801-787-1991 or email: [email protected]

Full-Time Missionaries:

The mission rules just changed, and the elders are not allowed to receive food from any members including delivery services.  We can still support them by giving them opportunities for service, and both of the elders are eager to perform any outdoor services that we can provide them with.

National Day of Service:

September 11 has become a national day of service and remembrance. Join with others around the nation to make this special anniversary a unifying day of service and kindness.

Block out some time on this day to serve with family and friends. Serving together is a great way to strengthen relationships and to help others feel the love and light of Jesus Christ.

At JustServe.org you will find opportunities to help those in need and make your community a better place.

We love you and hope you had a wonderful Labor day weekend.

Porch Visit Messages

We enjoyed visiting with many of you on your front porch today.  These past few weeks, we have felt a sense of urgency to encourage the ward members to follow our Prophet counsel:

President nelson

Why this counsel at this time?  The Prophet sees the evil increasing each day, yet he remains optimistic for the future and reminds us the Savior is in charge of his church. 

What must we do to follow his counsel?  How do we teach and encourage our families to develop a personal relationship with the spirit?  

We start by taking actions of faith as we remember our Temple covenants or prepare to make covenants in the Lord’s Temple.  We read the Book of Mormon daily, even one simple verse in the morning makes our day go smoother and invites the spirit into our day.  We exercise the priesthood to dedicate or rededicate our homes to the Lord and bless the home to be a refuge from the storm, a sanctuary to those that abide within its walls. 

Place your burdens, shortcomings, fears, and anxiety upon your Savior and feel of his redeeming love through the power of his atonement.  Remember and identify the blessings you have received from him.  Then express gratitude to him for his blessings and love.

We love you all,

  • Bishop Jeff Anderson
  • Highland 28th Ward
  • “Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

Safely Returning to Church

To: Members of the Highland 28th Ward

What wonderful news from our Prophet giving clearance to return Sunday worship together in the chapel. 

  • Date: September 27th
  • Time: 8:30 am (Less than an hour)
  • Attend in person (Limit to 150 people can in the attend in person) or
  • Attend through viewing technology (Broadcast will be handled by Stake Technology Specialists)
  • Everyone in attendance is invited to wear a mask.
  • Restroom facilities will be limited so please prepare your family before arriving at the church.
  • Members should limit their access to the building to the area being used. (Lobbies and Chapel)
  • Those speaking at the stand should be prepared to wipe down the podium when finished in preparation for the next person.
  • Members are encouraged to remain in their seats during the meeting and to keep their masks on while singing the hymns. 

Ushers in the chapel will provide direction for members to sit together as families, leaving alternating rows empty and space between those sitting on the same row.  They will feel the rows in the front of the chapel and work their way to the back continuing into the overflow.  When the meeting is over they provide direction for members to vacate the chapel and exit the building. 

Please take a moment to fill out our questionnaire so we will know how many we can expect in attendance in the chapel on September 27th at 8:30 am.


1st Hour (8:30 am): Sacrament Meeting Service

Here is the format of the meeting – In-person and transmitted via video technology (Stake Provided)

Sacrament Meeting – 25 Minutes

(Fill the chapel from front to back)

  • Start Video Streaming
  • Opening Hymn
  • Opening Prayer
  • Announcements
  • Talks / Messages
  • Closing Prayer
  • Invitation for members to prepare, bless, and partake of the sacrament in their homes if they are attending remotely.
    • End video transmitting

Sacrament Service – 25 Minutes

  • Hymn
  • Sacrament Service in the chapel or at home.
    • (Dismiss from back to front)

Our ward needs to be out of the building by 9:30 so the next ward can start preparing for their meeting at 10:00.

2nd Hour (10:00 am): Sunday School

  • Transmitted via video technology (ZOOM)
  • Youth all together starting 10:00 for 30 minutes – via Zoom
  • Adults all together starting 10:30 for 30 minutes – via Zoom

We are working on our own “Highland 28th Ward Safely Returning to Church Guidelines.”  Our guidelines are defined and compiled from information from the First Presidency, the Area Presidency, our Stake Presidency, the Stake Bishop’s Council, and our Bishopric.  We will make these available for members to review prior to next Sunday. 

Please let us know if you have any question or concerns.

Looking forward to seeing all of you,

Streaming our Sunday Meetings

Sunday, September 27, 2020

  • Youth all together starting 10:00 for 30 minutes – via Zoom
  • Adults all together starting 10:30 for 30 minutes – via Zoom

Bishopric Message – October 2020

October brings colder weather, school is well underway, and life as we knew it has changed – our normal has changed.   

Politics occupy the airways – emotions are elevated and logic seems non-existent.  Puffing and anger are rapid.  Propaganda energizes lies and deciphering the truth is difficult.  Some say, “You have to make some noise if you want to be heard.”  The voices of opinion are growing ever louder.  Facts are twisted and stirred to the desired narrative.  Fear and uncertainty have paralyzed some.

Yet, we see through the eye of optimism, looking forward with purpose, taking action.  Actions of faith lead to hope.  Listening to General Conference provides us an opportunity to hear, learn, and feel of God’s truths.  What wonderful messages of truth have been delivered to us for our time.  

I have loved the conference’s messages of love, patience, and mercy.  Here are just a few I tried to capture:

  • God does not love one race more than another. Each has a Devine potential. 
  • Look forward to the future with joyful anticipation.
  • Joyfully Repent.
  • Devine Potential:  A New Normal.  Embrace your new normal by repenting daily, serving others, magnify your callings, and keep an eternal perspective.  Live each day so you are more prepared to meet your maker.
  • God loves mercy and not mistreating others. 
  • Always act honorably with others, displaying your love for mercy. 
  • Provide care without being judgmental.
  • Pray, show patience, and listen.
  • Record your impressions so you can remember and recall.
  • Revaluation comes while you are busy with action, serving others.
  • The seed must be nourished.
  • Diligence and Patience waiting with long-suffering for the blessings of faith.  The blessings will come by and by.
  • Those that wait upon the Lord shall find renewed strength.  

Now it is up to us to take what we have learned and better our lives and the lives of others.  Take time to ponder the things that you hear and study.  Allow yourself to be taught by the spirit of personal revelation?  Strive to gain a testimony of the messages that were presented?

Attached is the Sunday School Newsletter with some wonderful messages for us to enjoy.

We look forward to meeting together next week.

  • Jim Wells, Ward Executive Secretary
  • 801-787-1991
  • [email protected]
  • “Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

“Virtual” Primary Program – October 2020

Hello Highland 28th Ward! We are happy to present our annual Primary Program “virtually” this year.  While it is shorter than our usual program, we hope you’ll still enjoy seeing all the kids smiling faces!  We are so grateful to all the parents and kids who participated.  We hope they had fun reading the scriptures and choosing a favorite Book of Mormon hero!

We would ask that you be respectful and NOT share this link with family and friends due to privacy for each family’s children’s pictures.  We hope you enjoy them as much as we did! You will need a password to view the video.

28th Ward Virtual Primary Program – October 2020


  • The Primary Presidency
  • Annika McClure
  • Mika McDaniel
  • Brittany Budinger
  • Paige Foote

Tithing Settlement

Dear Ward Members:

It is time for Tithing Settlement.   Please go to the following links to schedule a time and attend Tithing Settlement.

Times start October 25th from 5:00 to 8:00pm Each Sunday.

Schedule & Attend

or go to the ward blog at: www.highland28th.org.

Bishop Anderson

Bishopric Message – November 2020

Dear Ward Members:

Ward Business:

It is time for Tithing Settlement.   Please go to the following links to schedule a time and attend Tithing Settlement.

Schedule & Attend or go to the ward blog at: www.highland28th.org.

Sunday Meetings:

The links to our Ward Sacrament Meeting and second-hour meetings will always be posted on the Ward Blog.  Please go to the Blog to find the current schedule and link for each Sunday’s Meetings.  These links will be updated each week and will be dated to show which classes are being held.

Our Ward Blog is can be found at:


Sunday School Newsletter: 

Please take some time to read the attached Sunday School Newsletter

Bishopric Message – November 2020:

The month of Thanksgiving is upon us.  General Conference was filled with many wonderful messages that filled my soul with optimism, hope, faith, love, and spiritual power. 

Today out in the dreary world, we see the divide between good and evil growing wider and deeper.  President Nelson’s council from April’s 2018 General Conference is becoming more important each day as the advisory doubles down on his effort to lead us astray. 

Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of His mightiest works between now and when He comes again. We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory. But in the coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.

As I have listened to October 2020, General Conference again, I have been drawn to the talks on the Sunday morning and afternoon sessions.  “Tested, Proved and Polished” – Henry B Eyring, “We Talk of Christ” – Neil L. Andersen, “Waiting on the Lord” – Jeffrey R. Holland, “Let God Prevail” – President M. Nelson.

President Nelson explains his newfound definition of the word “Israel” to mean “let God Prevail!”  We are his covenant people.  We are of the House of Israel. 

If you have sincere questions about the gospel or the Church, as you choose to let God prevail, you will be led to find and understand the absolute, eternal truths that will guide your life and help you stay firmly on the covenant path.

When you are faced with temptation—even if the temptation comes when you are exhausted or feeling alone or misunderstood—imagine the courage you can muster as you choose to let God prevail in your life and as you plead with Him to strengthen you.

May our lives be full of joy and thanksgiving as we continually express gratitude to our Savior for the angels he places in the paths of our life.  We feel of his Love through the calming expressions of the comforter, look heavenward for guidance and strength, and “
let God prevail.”

Let God Prevail – President M. Nelson.

From “Come Follow Me, October 12–18, 2020: 3 Nephi 20–26, The lesson talks about the terms “House of Israel” and how we are included.  When he refers to them, he is also talking about us.   

“Ye are of the house of Israel,” He said, “and ye are of the covenant” (3 Nephi 20:25). He might say something similar to you today, for anyone who is baptized and makes covenants with Him is also of the house of Israel, “of the covenant,” no matter who you descend from or where you live. In other words, when Jesus speaks of the house of Israel, He is talking about you. The instruction to bless “all the kindreds of the earth” is for you (3 Nephi 20:27). The invitation to “awake again, and put on thy strength” is for you (3 Nephi 20:36). And His precious promise, “My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed,” is for you (3 Nephi 22:10). Powerful verses and promises for us in this day.  To the Gentiles and the House of Israel together.   What a wonderful blessing to know He will not turn from us nor remove his covenant of his peace. – Come Follow Me

Let us work on developing in ourselves one of the Characteristics of Christ.  That of Faith, Hope, Charity, Love, Virtue, Knowledge, Patience, Humility, Diligence, or/and Obedience.  As you apply one characteristic you will find other characteristics will also improve.  How does love increase without increasing in patience and hope?  Humility increase as you act with faith.  Knowledge increases while you work on being more obedient. 

Don’t allow anger and contention to occupy your mind for even a minute.  Recognize that anger is an emotion which source is the advisory.  Cast those thoughts out the moment they appear.  Replace those thoughts with those of goodness, kindness, and love.  

Our Prophet, President Nelson has challenged us to:

Embrace your new normal by repenting daily. Seek to be increasingly pure in thought, word, and deed. Minister to others. Keep an eternal perspective. Magnify your callings. And whatever your challenges, my dear brothers and sisters, live each day so that you are more prepared to meet your Maker.4

And he blesses us:

to be filled with the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His peace is beyond all mortal understanding.6 I bless you with an increased desire and ability to obey the laws of God.  I promise that as you do, you will be showered with blessings, including greater courage, increased personal revelation, sweeter harmony in your homes, and joy even amid uncertainty.

I encourage each of us to keep hold of the “Iron Rod” that leads to the “Tree of Life”.  We have tasted of the “Fruit” which is glorious.  Remember it’s flavor and how it tempers your appetite.  Yearn for its full-bodied embrace.

I testify that your Savior, Jesus Christ knows you and loves you.  In his name, even Jesus Christ, Amen.

Love you all,

COVID-19 Concerns & Church Service

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

Due to the increased restrictions from the state regarding the COVID-19 cases rising, I have received several inquiries about church. I understand that everyone has a different level of concern based on their personal situation.

Here is my understanding about the restrictions (I feel like I understand it and hope my information is correct).

The state restrictions are requesting that individual gatherings be limited to 10 individuals. Most of these types of events are not regulated so social distancing is unusual. Church and structured gatherings have not been restricted because there are safety procedures in place by the organizations to protect those in attendance.

Please, if you feel at all uncomfortable coming to church tomorrow due to this increased risk, stay home and participate by viewing our fast and testimony meeting using the church technology. Let me assure you that we will continue to follow our procedures to keep everyone safe but please if you are concerned then participate remotely.

We care about all of you and miss seeing you in person but safety first.

Remember to go to our Blog to find the current links: www.highland28th.org

Fast and Testimony meeting tomorrow. Please prayerfully prepare yourself if you are prompted to share your testimony. Because time will be limited, we will be stopping the meeting on time so we have enough time for the sacrament. Our total time will be limited to the 1 hour.

Don’t forget the time change tonight. Set your clocks back an hour and take advantage of the extra hour of sleep.

Love you all,

Bishop Jeff Anderson
Highland 28th Ward
[email protected]
Ward Blog: www.highland28th.org

“Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

Baptism of Sophie Laursen

Sophie Laursen’s Baptism

Sophie Laursen was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her Father, Travis Laursen on Saturday, October 31, 2020, at 10:00 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate her if you get a chance.

Congratulations Sophie, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Tom Price

Baptism of Davis Adams

Davis Adam’s Baptism

Davis Adams was Baptized by his older brother Dax Adams and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by his Father, Paul Adams on Saturday, November 7, 2020, at 11:30 am in the Highland Utah Central Stake Center. Please congratulate him if you get a chance.

Congratulations Davis, it was wonderful to share this event with you and your family.

Bishop Anderson

Sunday Meetings Held Virtually – November 15, 2020

Members of the Highland 28th Ward:

Please forgive me for the last notice about our church services tomorrow. 

We have been asked by the Area Presidency that we conduct our church services virtually for the next two weeks.  Those in attendance should only be the people involved in the program.  The program is provided to identify those that can be in attendance.

Sacrament Service Program for Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 8:30am

Click on “Webcast” to identify our ward and start viewing our Sacrament Meeting

  • Presiding: Bishop Jeff Anderson
  • Conducting: Gary Daniels
  • Music Organist: Liam Brookhart
  • Music Director: Zach Allred

Opening Hymn: 223 – “Have I done any good in the world today.”

Invocation: Brooke Daniels

  • Ward Business
  • Bishop’s Business


  • Sister Brookelle Daniels
  • Sister Danilia Vanderhoff – Called to Serve in the California Ventura Mission

Closing Hymn: 286 “Oh, what songs of the Heart”

Benediction: Mark Ellingson


All Sacrament should be administered in our homes.


2nd Hour Meetings:

November 15, 2020

Youth 10:00 am

  • YM/YW Sunday School (10:00 am) – Zoom (Account A)

Adult 10:30 am

  • Adult Sunday School (10:30 am) – Zoom – Meeting ID: 646 755 5273

Thanks for your Patience,

A Message of Thanksgiving to the Ward – Business About Sunday Meetings

We have received guidance from our Living Prophet of God, Russell M. Nelson, to move forward in faith with an eye single to Him, our Savior, and Redeemer, expressing affirmations of gratitude to the world during this special season of the year.  How wonderful it is to listen to a Prophet’s voice and hear what our Father in Heaven wants us to know. 

I, as your Bishop, plead with you to continue to develop a close relationship with the Spirit.  The Lord knows of our struggles and challenges.  This time is a time to prepare and the Lord’s message is clear.  He knows you.  He is standing with arms stretched forth ready to embrace you.  Trust in him, he has you.

The Stake Bishop’s Council met on Wednesday, November 25 to discuss the current pandemic situation and the structure of our Sunday church meetings.  All the Bishops, the High Council, and Stake Precedency meets together to discuss the current affairs of the Stake and plan steps to move forward.  We live in a unique time and are experiencing events no one could imagine would happen in our lifetime.  

As a Council, we discussed the desires of our members and how to move forward with meeting together.  We took into consideration the current infection rates, hospital ICU utilization, risk factors, and safety concerns of both Church Area Presidencies and government officials and have come to this conclusion, all wards moving together as the Highland Utah Central Stake.

Sunday Sacrament Services will be viewed remotely from now until the end of the year.  Those participating in the program will continue to meet at the church to present the Sacrament Meeting Program.  The sacrament will only be provided in member’s homes.

2nd Hour Services will continue as currently conducted being lead by the Organizational Presidencies.

Individual and Family “Come Follow Me” learning should be a focus in your homes.  All are encouraged to individually study and discuss with your families what you are learning.  This program was divinely created for all members throughout the world to come unto Christ and listen to his beckoning call to “Come Follow Me”. 

I’m thankful to live in this beautiful world that was created for us that we might come down to prove ourselves by living in faith while learning to experience the Joy that our Heavenly Father has in store for us.  I’m thankful for your prayers as you express your love for your Savior and support to us as a bishopric.  I’m thankful to our ward family and for all the acts of service, you provide to others inside and outside the boundaries of our Ward.

Please let us know how we can help.  Let us know of those that might be struggling spiritually or financially.  Allow to help where appropriate. 

We love you,

“Stay Humble, Work Hard, & Be Kind”

Bishopric Message – December 2020

Dear Ward Members:

The story of the Jaredite’s travel to the promised land has parallel teachings for our day. 

The Lord caused a “furious wind to blow
. towards the promise land”, Ether 6:5.  In fact in verse 8, we are told that the wind never ceased to blow TOWARDS the promised land. 

If we look at our own individual lives, we can see that Heavenly Father has never ceased to move us towards Him, always towards and never away.  If we move away from our Father in Heaven, it is of our own doing. 

Whether the Jaredites were tossed upon the waves or buried in the deep “no water could hurt them” and “no monster of the sea could break them neither whale that could mar them”, verse 7 & 10.  Why was this so?  The Lord had instructed and prepared them for what lay ahead with barges that were tight like a dish, a source of light and air, and the needed supplies for the journey.  The Lord knew what they needed, but the Jaredites did not know.  They acted in faith on the Lord’s counsel and were thus prepared. 

We too have been provided with what we need for these unprecedented times.  For example, in recent years we have been given “Come Follow Me”, also a reminder to increase our spiritual capacity to receive revelation, and a reminder to keep the sabbath day holy (a sign of those who are of the House of Israel), and to love and respect all of God’s children. 

When the waves of trials (pandemics, social unrest and civil discord and even restricted church attendance and temple work) abound, we can rely on the Lord to have in place that which will prepare us to meet exactly the challenges we face.  He will always prepare a way to move us towards Him if we listen and obey. 

We are still building temples and learning to do things a little differently and the work goes on.  Missionaries are still being called to preach the gospel to the world. 

Christmas time is a time of rejoicing, a time of peace.  Jesus Christ was born into the world and was of royal lineage, yet there was no place for them in the Inn.  This humble backdrop tells us a lot about the humility Mary and Joseph had as they found a place secluded from the noise of the world to bare a newborn King.  Angels testified of his birth to those that believed.

During this Christmas season, let us all take a moment to ponder and reflect on the beautiful blessings in our lives.  Recognize the Lord is in charge.  Place your faith on him and trust he is there to help you through your trials.  Continually express gratitude to your father in Heaven for sending his son to provide his atonement to us, that we might overcome the world and return to him. 

Remember that the Lord will always work on moving us toward him if we but learn to trust him.  I want to express my gratitude to all of you for your prayers.  I am humbled to be in this calling at this challenging time in the world.  Isn’t is wonderful to listen to the prophet’s voice as he testify of the Love our Savior has for each of us. 

I plead with you to rededicate yourself to the Lord.  I testify that he lives and continues to reach out to us with his arms always open, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Merry Christmas

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

This is a wonderful time of year where we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

2020 has brought its challenges.  President Nelson said:  “The Pandemic is only one of many ills that plague our world, including hate, civil unrest, racism, violence, dishonesty, and lack of civility.”  To combat this, President Russell M Nelson proscribed two activities to help us experience the healing power of gratitude.  He has asked us to flood the earth with expressions of gratitude through social media and with prayer.  How wonderful it is to have a living Prophet on the earth to direct the work of God. 

Paul said, “In everything, give thanks.”

I encourage you to be safe and continue to be faithful to your covenants, partake of the sacrament in your home, and dedicate your homes that the spirit of the Lord might dwell within.  We look forward to meeting together again and returning to the temple in the coming months.

I am so grateful to the Lord for all him many blessings.  “Remember Your Tender Mercies from 2020.” 

Enclosed is a gift, a keepsake that can be used to remember this time in our lives.  Might we reflect on this year and remember what we have learned, how we have leaned on our Savior to lighten our burdens, and how we have felt the embrace of his love.

We love you all,

Sunday School Newsletters for the year 2020

Keep In Touch

Created and Managed by: JH Consulting Group, LLC

Copyright © 2020 – Highland 28th Ward, All Rights Reserved.

Ward History and Member Communication

1st Hour (8:30 am): Sacrament Meeting Highland 28th Ward
Video Link: 

2nd Hour (9:45 am): 

Transmitted via video technology

Links: 2nd Hour Schedule

2020 Ward History